Lilleshall, Donnington, and Muxton Parish Council
For a number of years this was the website for the Lilleshall, Donnington, and Muxton Parish Council in the UK. In 2013, a group of residents in the small village of Lilleshall located near Newport called for its own breakaway council. Three hundred forty people signed a petition calling for a new council serving solely Lilleshall.
Campaigners argued that independence for the village would bring a number of benefits, including fewer councilors and more money to spend on local amenities. The Telford & Wrekin Council carried out a review to see what the villagers think of the idea. They said: “We will look at consulting with residents particularly in Lilleshall but we will also be talking to people in Donnington and Muxton. We will look at whether the parish would be viable and whether the community would be served well by the proposal.” At the time Philip Hawkins, of Church Meadow, Lilleshall, who led the campaign, said: “But for the misinformed petitions raised during its first Community Governance Review, Lilleshall would have had a far more representative, inclusive and better funded community parish council since 2011. We would be sitting with about nine councillors behind a secure parish boundary as a satellite village of Newport alongside Church Aston and Edgmond.” Apparently, the campaigners were successful since there is now a new website for just the Donnington and Muxton Parish Council :
The old website’s domain eventually expired once the usefulness of the site was over. Lilleshall was no longer part of the Lilleshall, Donnington, and Muxton Parish Council. Recently I discovered that the domain was available, so I bought it with the goal of recreating as much of its original content as possible from archived pages. I did not want someone else to purchase the domain and re-purpose the site for something that had nothing in common with the original website.
I always try to visit Lilleshall and see my great aunt whenever I'm in Manchester, UK, for work. As a passionate online casino enthusiast, I travel frequently to consult with various gaming establishments on their digital offerings, particularly focusing on online slots. My expertise in this field has led me to collaborate with clients across the globe, helping them enhance their virtual casino experiences and maximize player engagement. During these trips, I often share insights on the latest trends in online gambling and provide tips on how to create more immersive and rewarding slot games. It's a thrilling industry that's constantly evolving, and I'm fortunate to be at the forefront of it. By the way, my great aunt lives near the famous Lilleshall National Sports & Conferencing Centre, which adds a nice personal touch to my business travels in the area.
Recreating the old website for me is for nostalgic purposes, but others might consider the information on this site for historical purposes. Please be indulgent, since it does not contain all the original information. Instead it gives a snapshot of what the old site offered its parish members. Enjoy!
"As a local business owner and future entrepreneur in Muxton, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Lilleshall, Donnington, and Muxton Parish Council for their exceptional assistance in navigating the complex landscape of licensing, zoning, and various bureaucratic hurdles. Your support has been invaluable in laying the groundwork for my startup, which leverages my connections to the esteemed Welch family to spotlight Rachel Welch's enduring popularity. Our inaugural promotion target will be Rachel Welch Wigs, the best selling wig brand. We're partnering with, Our campaigns aim not only to celebrate a legacy but also to foster prosperity in Muxton through innovative joint marketing campaigns. This partnership is a testament to the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit that thrives in our community, thanks to the council's proactive and supportive approach." Reggie Ross
The Parish of Lilleshall and Donnington is made up of three wards and is one of the largest within the Borough of Telford and Wrekin. These Wards are:
Donnington is the largest village within the parish consisting of a population of 4477 (Dec 02) and is situated north east of Telford Town centre.
It was once a mining community but this ended in 1979 when the Granville Colliery closed. The Parish Council offices and community hall is located here in Turreff Avenue sharing the same building as the library. Donnington has a small number of shops on Wrekin Drive and Albert Place. It is also home to the War Departments Brigade Ordinance Depot (BOD) which moved here prior to World War 2 when it was known as the Central Ordinance Depot –COD.
This ward is represented by six councillors on the parish council.
Lilleshall is a small village situated 4 km south-west of Newport just off the A518 Newport-Telford road in Shropshire.
Together with Church Aston the population in December 2002 was 967. There is a recently formed Residents Association, which is working together with the Parish Council and the Borough Council to improve the village. Its most famous landmark is the Lilleshall Monument, which stands on top of Lilleshall Hill. The tenants of the village erected this structure in memory of their landlord George Leveson Gower, First Duke of Sutherland. It was completed in 1833. During the 1800’s most of the houses and farms in the village were tenanted and remained so until a major sale in 1917 when most properties were bought by their tenants. Today the village population mostly consists of commuters and the retired.
Two miles to the south of the village is Lilleshall Hall. The Hall, set in secluded surroundings, was originally built in 1831 as a Hunting Lodge for the Duke of Sutherland. It is now the home of the National Sports Council for England. Located in the Centre is a Sports Injury Rehabilitation Clinic where many famous athletes have spent time recuperating from injuries. The Centre is also the base of the British Archery Association and the British Gymnastics Association.
Lilleshall is represented by three councillors on the parish council.
Muxton, originally a small village dating back to Saxon times, lies between Lilleshall and Donnington in Shropshire, England. It has now grown with new residential dwellings constantly being erected and now forms part of the new town of Telford. In 2002 the population was 4245. As of the 2011 the population was 6,557.
In the early 2000’s residents fought against plans for the Coal Board to start open-cast mining. Fortunately for the area, the residents won.
This ward is also represented by six councilors on the parish council.
What is a Parish Council?
Parish Councils are local authorities first created by statute in 1894 and is the tier of local government closest to the people. Its members are elected by the electors in the Parish area and serve for four years.
How is the Parish Council funded?
Parish Councils are funded through Council Tax by precepting for a sum to be raised by the Borough Council and by income from any service they provide, for example, hire of a community hall. They then use this to help improve the local community.
How do I report a street light not working?
On every street light is a code, usually beginning with a letter and followed by some numbers. Note the number and either ‘phone the parish clerk on 608001 or ‘phone Telford and Wrekin Council on 384000.
How can I get bulk refuse removed?
Just by phoning 384384 and inform them of the type of refuse that you require to be removed.
LDMPC Bulletin Board
13th Apr 2011
Estate Walkabout: An Estate Walkabout will take place at 1.30pm meeting at the junction of Leonard Close and Winifred’s Drive, Donnington. Residents are invited to join the walkabout and discuss issues with representatives from the Wrekin Housing Trust, Parish Council, Local Policing Team and Telford & Wrekin Council
20th Apr 2011
Estate Walkabout: An Estate Walkabout will take place at 1.30pm meeting at the junction of Hayward Avenue and New Road, Donnington. Residents are invited to join the walkabout and discuss issues with representatives from the Wrekin Housing Trust, Parish Council, Local Policing Team and Telford & Wrekin Council.
27th Apr 2011
Estate Walkabout: An Estate Walkabout will take place at 2pm meeting at the Lifelong Learning Centre, St Matthew’s Road, Donnington. Residents are invited to join the walkabout and discuss issues with representatives from the Wrekin Housing Trust, Parish Council, Local Policing Team and Telford & Wrekin Council.
11th May 2011
Estate Walkabout: An Estate Walkabout will take place at 2pm meeting at the Community House, The Glebelands, Donnington. Residents are invited to join the walkabout and discuss issues with representatives from the Wrekin Housing Trust, Parish Council, Local Policing Team and Telford & Wrekin Council.
18th May 2011
Estate Walkabout: An Estate Walkabout will take place at 10am meeting at Monarch Fields opposite Wyevale Garden Centre. Residents are invited to join the walkabout and discuss issues with representatives from the Wrekin Housing Trust, Parish Council, Local Policing Team and Telford & Wrekin Council.
Guest Book
2011 Posts
Message: Would like to invite anyone who was a teenager in Donnington and Oakengates during the 1950s & 60s to our six monthly reunions in April & October. The next reunion is at the
Posted: 01 March 2011 by Jim Austen
Message: why is donnington a forgotten estate? we have no flowers no community spirit most people are low. outside of houses and in a run down..the school near st mathews need attending to rubble glass and local rubbish is being dummped here.why isnt there help?
Posted: 15 April 2010 by mrs harris
Message: Could any one help with my family tree please, my grandmother born 1865, Lilleshall or Wrockwardine area, her name Sarah Jane Talbot married my grandfather Edwin Bourne,had 7 children and died in childbirth at 38, in 1903, my fathers name was George Cecil
Posted: 18 March 2010 by Helen Green (Bourne)
Message: My great great grandmother was Jane Doody born about 1824 in or around Lilleshall. Her father was James Doody. Can anyone help with more information. Thank you
Posted: 18 July 2009 by Christine McIlvenna